Monday, July 2, 2012

Week 7 - Consular

We've all seen Jedi Consulars but what IS a consular? The word consular is used commonly as an adjective pertaining to the word consul. A consular is NOT the same thing as a counselor.

From Twitter

    1. Consulars study the mysteries of the force and prefer to find peaceful solutions rather than draw their lightsabers.
    2. The consulars role in the Jedi Order was first recorded by Consular Jedi Seer Sabla-Mandibu.
    3. Consulars are not limited to a career in the Galactice Senate. May teachers, seers, and healers site alignment with the Consulars way of thinking.
    4. Though consulars prefer peaceful means of finding solutions, they are sensible and carry lightsabers - usually green.
    5. While Knights are known for more for their melee skills, consulars are able to focus their force powers on an enemy making it difficult to resist them.